Where Can I Find All the Recent Changes to Colorado Leasing Law to Add to My Lease?
There have been significant changes to the leasing laws in Colorado, and it is critical that landlords stay up to date with them.
At the end of 2024, many new changes to the leasing laws in Colorado went into effect. These changes are not always easy to understand, but it is critical that landlords remain up-to-date about them so they can remain compliant and not face legal liability or worse. However, staying up to date with these changes is not easy. It would be very helpful to landlords if there was one place they could go to get the information they need and stay current with the law. Fortunately, there is.
What Were the Changes to the Leasing Law in Colorado?
The changes that went into effect in 2024 were significant. The new laws are as follows:
- HB 24-1098, Cause Required for Eviction of Residential Tenant
- SB 24-094, Safe Housing for Residential Tenants
- HB24-1259, Price Gouging in Rent Declared Disaster
- HB 24-1007, Prohibit Occupancy Limits
- HB 24-1294, Mobile Home Park Act
- HB 24-1318, Colorado Fair Housing Act
- HB 24-1099, Defendant Filing Fees in Evictions
- HB-24-1431, Short-Term Housing Assistance Program
The above laws are extensive and place many new requirements on landlords. These laws are complex, and navigating them is not easy.
Where to Find Recent Changes to Leasing Laws in Colorado?
There are only two places to find the recent changes to the leasing laws in Colorado. One is within the actual Colorado statutes. These statutes are full of legalese that are difficult to understand and finding them is not always easy. Researching the laws also takes a significant amount of time, as does drafting, and many landlords do not have the time to put in the effort. Cutting corners on your real estate investments is not an option.
Another place to find the recent changes to Colorado’s leasing laws is within our Colorado Landlord Lease Package at Ceglian Law. Our leasing package includes several different leases and 55 pages of provisions. You will also find a number of different forms you will need to put together a comprehensive lease agreement. While all of our forms only require you to fill in the blanks, they are also highly customizable, so they will suit any need you may have. You will find the required Declination Letter, disclosure forms for Boulder and Denver, a Lead Paint Disclosure, and a number of other required forms.
You will also find a number of optional forms in our lease package, including the HUD Animal Addendum, Entry Notice, Repair Request, and more. The entire package provides the maximum legal protection you need without spending hours of your time on research.
Contact Us About Our Leasing Package Today
If you are a landlord, it is of the utmost importance that you remain current with the law. At Ceglian Law, PC, our Colorado landlord lawyer has done the hard work for you by putting together the Landlord Lease Package that will provide all the necessary leasing elements along with the legal protection you need. Find it on our website and get yours today.